Red Maeng Da

By | April 27, 2017

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Red Maeng Da (RMD) is a very popular strain of kratom. Maeng Da kratom is known to be some of the highest quality leaf and have very high alkaloid levels. Maeng Da directly translates to “Pimp Grade” which in Thailand means its a highly desired strain. Most Red Maeng Da kratom plants are grown from trees in Indonesia. Not all strains of Red Maeng Da kratom will be grown in the same place, but they all should come from a red vein tree.


Today red veined kratom is the most popular variety. Having higher than normal alkaloid content, Red Maeng Da is a great choice if you desire the effects of red veined kratom. It is known to be very sedative and relaxing with mild euphoria and great pain relief.

This is a strain that you would likely take at the end of the day to relax and maybe fall asleep. Different red strains have slightly different characteristics and effects. It has become popular to mix strains to make blends. Making blends allows you to make your own “strain” based on your personal preferences.


As with all drugs, kratom has the potential to be abused. If you are taking kratom daily there is a risk of addiction and withdrawal symptoms if stopped. Taking larger and larger doses can lead to some undesirable side affect such as dizziness, drowsiness, anxiety and nausea.

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